How to make an order
To place an order on our website, you need to take a few simple steps:
- Choose products
Go to the online shopfront and select the product you are interested in. Click on the “Details” button to find out the characteristics of the selected product, its price and other parameters.
Some products presented in the window are available in several possible variants. In this case, instead of the “Details” button, you will see the “Select” button. By clicking on it in the product card, you will also find the characteristics of the selected product, its price and you can choose the appropriate type of product in the menu with a drop-down list.
- Put the products to the Cart
After choosing the product you are interested in, click the “Add to cart” button. The product will automatically go to your cart. You can add any number of items to your cart.
Please note that some categories of digital products are available for download directly from the product card and do not require payment. Next to such a product, you will see the “Download” button.
- Cart
To place an order, go to the “Cart” section. View its contents. You can change the number of items in the cart or delete what you do not need.
- Placing an order
To complete the order, you need to click on the “Checkout” button, enter your contact information. After clicking the “Submit order” button, it will be transferred to our manager for registration, after which you will be contacted to clarify the details of the order.
Enjoy your shopping!